
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Matthew 28:19-20

Evangelism Ministry
The Evangelism Ministry’s primary role is designed to equip, motivate and lead the GCFBC family to express their personal faith through lifestyle evangelism. The ministry will develop teams with a heart for the “Great Commission”, using as many strategies and other evangelism methods as God directs. The ultimate mission is to reach new converts and assimilate them into the nurturing environment of the local church.

New Members Ministry
The New Members Ministry facilitates the process through which new members are welcomed and assimilated into the family and life of the church.

Living Water Ministry
The Living Waters Ministry provides Christian-based Substance Abuse Support for individuals suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Joshua Ministry
The Joshua Ministry administers services to formerly incarcerated individuals, and assists them in successfully re-entering the community.

“REACH” Ministry
(Real Everyday Attempts to Change Humanity for Christ)
The REACH Ministry is the evangelism outreach program of the ministry that trains and deploys members into the local community to share the gospel and invite people into the saving love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Altar Counseling Ministry
The Altar Counseling Ministry provides consultation for individuals who respond to the discipleship invitation during the worship service and ministers to them according to their needs, requests and desires.

Meet the Team

Dr. Reuthenia Clark

Senior Leader

Qunedas Ebnie Smith 

Altar Counseling

William Morgan

Joshua Ministry

Ernest Jones

New Members

Carl Cuffee

R.E.A.C.H Ministry

Rita Smith-Dove


 Kathy Taylor


Tenisha Jones

New Members Liaison